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Simple Tips For Weight Loss After Pregnancy

I've seen many cases where lots of women are worried and totally frustrated to see the changes in their body when it comes to significant weight gain due to pregnancy. So, what is a women to do if you've just given birth and still have 20 or more pounds to lose to get back to your pre-baby body? In this article I would like to share simple tips to lose weight after pregnancy.

1) Regain Your Energy

You probably don't even realize that your body has just been through a very traumatic experience with all the debilitating tension that occurs during the delivery process. Before attempting to get back into a regular exercise regime, give your body some time to rest and restore your lost energy since the giving birth. Before you start any weight loss program after pregnancy, make sure that your body feels better and that simple tasks such as walking or lifting slightly heavier objects do not cause you any physical pain.

2) "Break Up" with Your Bad Eating Habits

Usually unconsciously, a lot of women think they can eat whatever they want during their pregnancy and often feel it is the fetus that is directing their cravings and causing them to want certain foods. There is definitely some truth to this, but once your baby is born, you need to remind yourself that you are no longer "eating for two". It can start with a few mistakes here and there, but the truth is continuing to eat unhealthy foods will cause you to continue gaining weight instead of losing it. A perfect example is late night junk food and after dinner dessert. These may have been unavoidable cravings while you were pregnant, but you need to eliminate them after baby if you want to lose weight.

3) Use Logic

Ask yourself, is this weight loss program reasonable and realistic for my lifestyle? If a program offers extreme promises such as LOSE 30lbs in 5 DAYS, you should be cautious. The more unrealistic it seems, the more unrealistic it really is and I would stay away from any diet plan just trying to sell to you on your frustration. Also I would recommend avoiding dietary or slimming supplements, especially fat burning pills, medications or any herbal supplements. These can be dangerous to your health when you don't have all the facts and if you are still breastfeeding you are also putting your baby's health and life at risk.

4) Start Eating Weight Loss Foods

There are tons of tips, resources and free weight loss plans for postpartum women which you can be easily found online nowadays. You may use the Internet to do some research on weight loss foods after pregnancy for both women who are breast-feeding or not.. I personally suggest you look for a weight loss diet plan for women that works with your lifestyle, this way you will be more likely to stick with it. Most weight loss programs have all the information you need to shed extra weight and explain the essential nutrients you require to reach your weight loss goal as quickly as possible, but if you spend money on a program and never follow it, there really is no weight loss program that will work for you.

5. Do SOMETHING Physical Everyday

This is probably the biggest mistake I see among my friends and family when they complain to me about postpartum weight loss. It's exhausting caring for a new born day and night and the thought of going for a jog or working out at a gym probably makes you want face plant on the floor. But, the only way to get over this feeling is to start doing SOMETHING. Start with light exercises, such as walking with the stroller or a yoga class will not only get your body back in motion, but it will also help to reduce postpartum depression. The ideal time to start light exercises is about six weeks after giving birth and as you stick with it you can move up to higher impact routines such as strength training and cardiovascular activities which will help to tighten and tone those parts that got "loose" after giving birth.

6. Be Patient

Last but not least, you need to be patience with yourself. It took 9 months for your baby to grow and develop and cause that extra weight on your belly and bottom. You can't expect your body to bounce back in just a few short weeks, even if you are following a postpartum weight loss diet plan for women. Getting back into shape will take eating the right foods, consistent physical activity and most importantly...time. A good support system always helps so ask for it! Your family members, friends and especially your husband want you to succeed so lean on them when you're having a tough day and feel you like hanging from the ceiling fan!

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Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 3 Tips to Jump Start Your Program

Are you looking for instant solutions for a fast weight loss after pregnancy? The important thing to remember is that there are no quick fixes for any weight loss. Your body has gained its weight over a period of time and it needs time to lose weight. Fad diets or fasting can lead to disastrous complications. Your body needs nutrition to cope with the childbirth and its aftereffects. Additionally, if you breastfeed your baby, your body needs good quantities of nutrients to produce breast milk. Fancy diet programs for fast weight loss touted by celebrities and stars are not for us ordinary folks. The expense involved is not the only issue here, but maintaining those fad diet routines is not going to be easy.

Time needed for fast weight loss after pregnancy

- The average weight gain during pregnancy is about 30 to 35 pounds. You lose some of that weight at childbirth. Even so, a woman needs about 3 months to recover from pregnancy and childbirth.

- Ensure that you eat nutritious food during the first three months without thinking too much about losing weight. In normal course of life, you need six to eight months to return to your weight and shape you had before pregnancy. Of course, it all depends on how much weight you gained during your pregnancy. - Trying to achieve fast weight loss too soon after pregnancy could lead to serious trouble.

- If for any reason it is important that you lose weight fast, consult your health care provider to formulate a safe diet and exercise regimen for fast weight loss.

Exercises for fast weight loss

- Before you start on any exercise regimen for weight loss after pregnancy, consult with your family doctor or gynecologist.

- Do routines designed for fast weight loss only with their permission, advice and guidance. Too much exercise too soon after childbirth may result in undesirable and unnecessary issues.

- Working out at home with a few light exercises during the day is an effective way to burn more calories.

- Do physical work at home as much as possible. Do not sit idle for any length of time. Rest only when your body demands rest.

- Go for long walks carrying your baby. The act of carrying the baby will help in close bonding and the effort of carrying the baby for long distances will help you burn a lot of calories. You gain in many ways.

Diets for fast weight loss after pregnancy

- Do not start out on diets by simply limiting specific food groups or items. Your body needs nutrition to recover from childbirth. If you breast feed your baby, proteins, vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to produce breast milk.

- Breast milk is vital to your baby's growth and development. It contains antibodies and anti-infective agents to strengthen your baby's immune system. Select nutritious fare with low saturated fats.

- Eat a lot of vegetable and fruits during meal times.

- Have your meals at regular intervals.

- Do not indulge in untimely snacking or knickknacks.

- Restrict your intake of processed and ready to eat food items like canned fish or meat.

- Try to stay away from energy dense drinks and fried foods like dough nuts or chips.

I know that trying to lose weight after pregnancy is tough. You want to get back to your best figure - looking good and feeling good. Luckily you don't have to go it alone. These tips on fast weight loss after pregnancy [] will help you get started, but if you really want more, if you really want to lose weight big time, then go to this website right now: [] - This is your chance to lose it and keep it off.

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